The spikes created by Earthshatter are what make this skill unique. To POE2 Currency maximize their explosive damage, you must improve spike detonation mechanics.
How to Trigger Spikes Efficiently:
Warcries: Use skills like Seismic Cry or Infernal Cry to instantly detonate all spikes.
Slam Chain Combos: Using another slam attack immediately after Earthshatter (like Ground Slam or Leap Slam) can also trigger Spikes.
Best Support Gems for Spike Damage Scaling:
Shockwave Support – Creates extra AoE pulses, amplifying damage when spikes detonate.
Pulverise Support – Increases AoE size and damage, making spike detonations even more effective.
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun – If your build uses stuns, this gem boosts your defenses while maintaining offensive output.
Best Passive Skill Nodes for Spikes:
Increased Warcry Effect Nodes (so that spikes deal more damage when detonated)
AoE Expansion Nodes (to ensure that spikes hit more enemies)
Increasing Attack Speed & Warcry Cooldown Recovery
Since spike detonation relies on Warcries, reducing Warcry cooldown allows for faster spike explosions, increasing total DPS.
Ways to Improve Warcry Effectiveness:
Increased Cooldown Recovery – Lets you detonate spikes more frequently.
Warcry Exerted Attack Buffs – These enhance Earthshatter’s slam damage before detonation.
Best Passive Skill Tree Nodes for Attack Speed & Warcries:
Warcry Cooldown Reduction Nodes (ex: "Battle Cry")
Attack Speed Nodes (to reduce delay between slams)
Best Support Gems for Faster Spike Detonations:
Second Wind Support – Reduces Warcry cooldown, letting you trigger spikes more often.
Rage Support – Boosts attack speed, making follow-up slams faster.
Boosting AoE Size & Coverage
A larger AoE radius means more enemies are hit by Earthshatter’s spikes, leading to greater overall damage.
Ways to Increase AoE:
Passive Skill Tree: Look for Increased Area of Effect Nodes
Pulverise Support Gem Increases Athe oE radius
Ascendancies: Choose nodes that increase slam attack range
Best Passive Skill Tree Nodes for AoE Scaling:
Amplify Passive Cluster – Increases general AoE size.
Blunt Trauma Passive Cluster Grants bonus AoE when using Maces.
5. Enhancing Stun & Bleed Synergies
Earthshatter benefits from stun-based effects, which can increase both damage andefensive utility.
Why Stun Matters for Earthshatter:
Stunned enemies take longer to react, allowing for easy follow-up detonations.
Spike detonations are stronger if the enemy is stunned.
Best Support Gems for Stun Synergies:
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun – Generates Endurance Charges, making your character tankier.
Shockwave Support – Increases AoE stun potential, ensuring better crowd control.
Bleed Builds & Earthshatter
If using axes, Earthshatter can be turned into buy Path of Exile 2 Currency a bleed-heavy build by adding:
Bloodlust Support (extra damage against bleeding enemies)
Crimson Dance Keystone (boosts bleed effectiveness)