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Cell lines are critical biological and medical research tools to model human disorders, test drugs, and analyze genetic functions. Research results rely heavily on the integrity and precision of cell lines. Unfortunately, multiple studies have revealed that many cell lines are either contaminated or misidentified with other cell lines. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd offers accurate and reliable cell lines authenticating DNA test services in India. We are the only company in India that offers legal DNA tests for different honourable courts of law. Our esteemed clients include reputable pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, research institutes, etc. We have more than 400 collection centers in India and abroad. You can visit your nearby collection centers and give your DNA sample for testing. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call +91 8010177771 or send messages on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771. Visit us: https://www.dnatestingindia.co....m/cell-line-authenti
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