AS400 Integration — The Key to Keeping Legacy Systems Relevant Today

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If you’re looking for an AS400 integration partner to help you integrate your AS400 ecosystem with external/third-party applications, drop us a line at and team of AS400 integration experts shall get back to you in the next 2 business days.

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, yet AS400 systems have that unshakable dominance among enterprises. It’s more than 3 decades now, but enterprises still entrust AS400 system with their mission-critical applications. Reason? AS400 was built to last, to safeguard, and to thrive — what may happen!

Though, the challenge we’re going to discuss today isn’t about durability of AS400 — it’s about its relevance in the modern, cloud-driven, API-powered world.

Yes, we are talking about AS400 application integration.

Today, owing to the pace at which technology is evolving, and innovation is happening — it’s the golden middle that businesses are looking for.

Reason — you don’t want to loosen up on AS400 investments made to date, and neither do you want to lack innovation.

What should you be doing? You can integrate your AS400 systems with modern-day applications/third-party solutions.

The value you get out of this single step is immense -

  • You get to unlock operational efficiencies
  • You get to automate complex business processes
  • You get to future-proof your IT ecosystem without moving off!

And that’s a win-win every CTO thriving on AS400 ecosystem dreams of.

Would you still prefer to sideline these benefits, operate is siloes and disregard innovation?

We are confident you would deny the latter!

Today, by the time you reach the end of this read, we’ll discuss -

  • Why should AS400 be on your list of priorities?
  • 3 major challenges that are holding you back from adapting AS400 application integration
  • Why hybrid integration proves to be the best AS400 integration strategy.

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

Why AS400 Integration is Critical for Today’s Businesses?

Thinking, “What makes AS400 application integration time critical?”

Well, the question has a merit. AS400 systems were designed when cloud-computing, APIs, AI, and analytics didn’t even exist.

Precisely, AS400 systems were designed to cater business-challenges that mattered then -

  • Security & integrity of business data
  • Unmatched processing capabilities
  • Superior business continuity with high uptime

And, yes, these use cases are unbeaten to date. They would never go off trend.

But, additionally, to complement the modern-day business requirements, AS400 systems must comply with

  • Data exchange with external systems
  • Compatibility with third-party solutions
  • Interoperability to support diverse business processes

Thus, AS400 application integration becomes non-negotiable.

Still looking for those tangible benefits you may walk-off with as you choose AS400 integration?

Here are a few of them that you wouldn’t want to miss out on!

Real Time Data Flow Enablement

With AS400 application integration, you will be enabled with instant data access from applications like ERPs, CRMs, and cloud-based solutions. This shall act as a foundation for a single source of data truth, across the organization.

Improved User Experience

AS400 integration will prove to be a key differentiator for user experience. Your AS400 systems will be enabled to integrate with modern interfaces.

You can finally bid goodbye to the hassles of operating with those obsolete green screens, extending some relief to your users.

Workflow Automation

With legacy systems the problem of manual intervention is not new-found. It’s been around for a good time, now.

AS400 integration can play a savior by enabling automation.

Imagine how it would feel if the burden of manual data was taken off your shoulder by replacing it with automated data exchange. Now, that’s the power AS400

Business Continuity

By far, the best benefit you could reap from AS400 integrations — improved chances of business continuity.

The cost of system replacements and the pain of losing up on technological investment would be so much more than we imagine.

AS400 integration offers you the leverage to save the cost of technological adaptation while utilizing the best of new-age technology.

The bottom line is — AS400 integration isn’t just a technological upgrade — it’s a business necessity.

But if it’s so beneficial, why do AS400 users like yourself hesitate to adopt AS400 application integration? Let’s understand.

3 Reasons AS400 Users Hold Back from AS400 Integration

Despite the advantages, several businesses resist AS400 integration solutions due to misconceptions and outdated concerns.

Let’s understand what makes technology leaders like yourself hold back from investing in AS400 application integration.

Fear of Disruption

Before we dig into this one, we must realize the fact that AS400 integration creates enablement.

Taking that margin of error into consideration, where things can potentially go wrong is your choice of AS400 integration partner.

You must choose the right, reliable, and proven AS400 integration services provider to do that job if you don’t have capable hands in-house to do the job.

What most of the technology leaders think is that “If we integrate our AS400 systems with external/third-party applications, it may lead to downtime or produce performance issues.”

Well, this concern isn’t completely wrong. But in the first place, the sole intention of AS400 application integration is to enable your system to communicate with the outside world, isn’t it?

Yes, it’s a risk.

But, let’s not forget that everyone is doing it and succeeding with it.

You may ask, “How?”

Simple — with a well-planned AS400 integration strategy that minimizes disruptions.

When you have the right set of AS400 integration experts who could ensure seamless deployment with minimal impact on operations, you don’t have to worry about the risk.

Because, they know the risks, they assess it in time and have a back-up plan in place to fight back if something goes wrong!

Concerns Over Cost and ROI

AS400 integration is considered an expensive affair!

We often get questions for technology leaders as they approach AS400 integration. The most frequently asked one is — “Is an investment in AS400 integration services justifiable in comparison with maintaining the existing manual processes?”

We must realize that the cost of not integrating AS400 is much higher.

Manual inefficiencies, outdated workflows, and lack of real-time insights lead to lost productivity, increased errors, and missed opportunities.

Whereas AS400 integration delivers measurable ROI through automation, efficiency, and improved decision-making.

Resistance to Change

You would highly agree on this one — having used AS400 for years, relied on green-screen interfaces & legacy process, the change is difficult.

Yes, it’s hard to convince stakeholders to adopt new, integrated workflows.

But, there is no better cost-effective alternative to safeguard your long-term technological investments, either.

To tackle this problem, you can opt for a phased approach for AS400 integration.

A team of seasoned AS400 integration experts will lead and guide the integration process, ensuring smooth adoption.

As a result, your stakeholders will get access to modern interfaces, with familiar processes without completely giving up on the legacy systems.

Next, let’s understand why hybrid integration proves to be the best thought out strategy for AS400 application integration.

Why Hybrid Integration is Hands Down the Best AS400 Integration Strategy?

If you are looking to modernize without disrupting your AS400 ecosystem, hybrid AS400 integration is the strategy to look out for.

Thinking, “What makes hybrid AS400 integration the best strategy?”

Instead of an all-or-nothing approach, hybrid integration enables gradual, controlled modernization while keeping mission-critical AS400 applications running.

Here’s why hybrid AS400 integration is gaining traction -

It lets You Avoid the Complete System Overhaul!

Unlike other integration strategies, hybrid AS400 integration causes no to low disruption to your AS400 ecosystem. And, complete system overhaul is a big time now when you have hybrid integration strategy in place.

It Supports Cloud Adaoption

If you are thinking about cloud adoption, like now-now or in near future, hybrid AS400 integration paves the way for it.

You can integrate your AS400 applications with cloud-based applications without worrying about data synchronization & remote accessibility issues.

It Enhances Security & Compliance

Security has never been a concern with AS400 systems. Yet, to safeguard your AS400 assets in today’s technological environment where cyberattacks happen over a blink of an eye, is quintessential.

By integrating AS400 with advanced security solutions, you can fortify data protection and meet compliance mandates efficiently.

It Improves Agility & Scalability

AS400’s processing capabilities are non-questionable. Period!

Yet, with the advent of cloud-computing, businesses are increasingly demanding agility and scalability.

Hybrid integration allows you to scale operations while retaining AS400’s stability and legacy processes.

AS400 Integration = Future-Proofing AS400 Systems

The future of AS400 is not about replacement, but reinvention.

Organizations that embrace AS400 application integration gain a competitive advantage, ensuring that their trusted legacy systems evolve alongside modern innovations.

With the right AS400 integration partner, you can -

  • Future-proof your IT landscape.
  • ️Automate and streamline operations.
  • Improve agility without costly migrations.

The time to integrate is now. Waiting too long could mean missing out on efficiency gains, innovation opportunities, and competitive advantages.

If AS400 is the backbone of your business, it’s time to make AS400 integration a priority.

If you’re looking for an AS400 integration partner to help you integrate your AS400 ecosystem with external/third-party applications, drop us a line at and team of AS400 integration experts shall get back to you in the next 2 business days.
