Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in Delhi: The Fluffing Stage Explained and Recovery Timeline

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Brazilian Butt Lift suegery in Delhi is a cosmetic surgery designed to make your bum look fuller and larger. Here is how it works: The surgeon will take extra fat from one part of your body, like the tummy or thighs, using a technique called liposuction. After that, the fat will be injected into your bottom to make it look fuller. 

After the surgery, a stage known as a fluffing stage occurs, lasting for about 6 to 8 months. During this time, your skin stretches and makes room for extra volume in your bum. Once this stage is over, you will be able to enjoy fuller and attractive bums. 

In this article, we will delve deeper into the fluffing stage that comes after BBL surgery in Delhi and why Shobhit Aesthetics is the best brazilian butt lift surgery clinic in Delhi

BBL Surgery Delhi: What is the Fluffing Stage? 

Undergoing a BBL surgery is a transformative journey for many. The procedure involves extracting fat from selected areas of the body via liposuction. The purified harvested fat is then injected into the buttocks to give them good shape and volume.

The BBL fluffing phase is crucial and plays a significant role in the transformation. The stage begins when the initial swelling starts subsiding and the buttocks start taking a natural state. Your buttocks will become more round and aesthetically pleasing as the fats start distributing evenly. The BBL fluffing phase begins 6 to 8 weeks post-surgery, and it is important to note that the timeline may vary from individual to individual. 

Unlock Your Dream Curves with the Brazilian Butt Lift

Some Misconceptions on BBL Fluffing-Clearing the Air

  • The transformation after the fluffing takes time. It is a gradual process and takes time. 
  • An increase in the volume during this phase cannot be noticed initially. The changes are rather natural. 
  • Entering the fluffing stage means that you will continue following the aftercare instructions by brazilian butt lift surgery doctors in Delhi, which are crucial for optimal results. 

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery India: Recovery Timeline

Here is a general guide to what your surgery will look like: 

Right After the Surgery: After the operation, it is common to have swelling, bruising, and even numbness in some areas. You should avoid sitting on your bum directly, which will help you with the healing process. 

First Week: You will still feel some initial effects of brazilian butt surgery in Delhi You will have to wear special compression garments in the areas that have liposuction. This will help you control swelling and support your healing. 

Weeks 2-3: Around this point, you will notice that the soreness and swelling have subsided. You can go back to your work and start doing your light daily tasks. 

Week 4-5: You will still have minor swelling and discomfort, but they will keep subsiding. 

Weeks 6-8: By this time, you will feel much better. Once the surgeon gives you the go-ahead, you can resume your regular activities, including heavy lifting. 

3 Months: This is typically when many patients enter the ‘fluffing stage.’ Any residual swelling you have will come down, giving your bums the natural fullness they deserve.

6-8 Months: By this time, the final results of liposuction and BBL will be visible to you. You will have your last follow-up appointment with a BBL surgeon in Delhi to ensure that everything has gone smoothly.

Brazilian Butt Lift Delhi– Why Choose Shobhit Aesthetics

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is the best augmentation option to enhance your figure. Therefore, a good clinic enhances your experience and gives the best results. Among other clinics, Shobhit Aesthetics in  the heart of Delhi, has clearly been one of the leaders in plastic and cosmetic surgery.

Contact us today to know best brazilian butt lift surgery cost in Delhi

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