Cabergoline Overview: Drugs and Lactation Database

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Learn about the usage and safety of cabergoline during lactation with Buynetmeds' Drugs and Lactation Database. Find comprehensive information on cabergoline's effects on breast milk and nursing infants.

Cabergoline is a dopamine receptor agonist primarily used to treat conditions related to high levels of prolactin in the body, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Excessive prolactin can lead to various medical conditions, including hyperprolactinemia. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Cabergoline 0.5 mg, its uses, effects on prolactin levels, and its implications for lactation, with a focus on its relevance to online pharmacies such as Buynetmeds.

The capsule of Cabergoline 0.5 mg is used to treat hyperprolactinemia, a condition in which the body produces excessive amounts of prolactin; this excess production is often caused by an overactive pituitary gland. This medication is frequently used to lessen the quantity of breast milk produced following a breastfeeding cessation or after childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

What is Cabergoline?

The primary indication for the Cabergoline 0.25 mg pill is the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, a condition characterised by abnormally high levels of prolactin in the body. This drug has other beneficial applications. It can be used to treat high prolactin-related infertility as well as conditions like galactorrhea that are associated with hyperprolactinemia. Additionally, it can help women who have recently given birth or who have experienced an abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth stop producing milk.

Cabergoline is a prescription medication that works by inhibiting prolactin secretion from the pituitary gland. It is commonly used to treat medical conditions related to elevated prolactin levels, such as:

  • Hyperprolactinemia: A condition characterized by an excessive amount of prolactin in the blood, which can cause irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and galactorrhea (unexpected milk production).
  • Pituitary Tumors: Cabergoline is effective in shrinking prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas, reducing the symptoms associated with this condition.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: In some cases, Cabergoline has been used as an adjunct treatment for this neurodegenerative disease due to its action on dopamine receptors.

Cabergoline 0.5 mg: Dosage and Administration

The typical dosage for treating hyperprolactinemia is Cabergoline 0.5 mg, taken once or twice weekly. The medication is usually administered in tablet form, and the dosage may be adjusted based on the patient’s response and prolactin levels in the blood.

It is essential to follow a healthcare provider's guidance when taking Cabergoline to ensure optimal results and reduce the risk of side effects. Patients typically start with a low dose to minimize potential side effects, which may include:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

Patients should have their prolactin levels regularly monitored while on Cabergoline therapy to determine the most effective dose and avoid hyperprolactinemia (too low prolactin levels).

How Cabergoline Lowers Prolactin Levels

Cabergoline acts on dopamine D2 receptors in the pituitary gland, which helps to suppress the release of prolactin. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that naturally inhibits prolactin secretion. Cabergoline enhances this effect by directly stimulating dopamine receptors, effectively lowering the levels of prolactin in the bloodstream.

In women, this can help restore regular ovulation and menstrual cycles, while in men, it can address symptoms such as reduced libido and erectile dysfunction caused by high prolactin levels.

Cabergoline and Lactation

One of the primary reasons Cabergoline is used is its ability to reduce lactation. It is often prescribed to women who are no longer breastfeeding but continue to produce milk or to those who experience excessive milk production due to hormonal imbalances.

By inhibiting prolactin release, Cabergoline helps suppress milk production, making it an effective treatment for women who wish to cease breastfeeding. However, due to its potent effects on lactation, it should not be used by women who are breastfeeding unless specifically advised by a healthcare professional.

Cabergoline’s Safety in Lactation

For women who are breastfeeding, Cabergoline use is generally discouraged unless medically necessary. The medication may pass into breast milk and could potentially affect an infant's health. Women who are prescribed Cabergoline while breastfeeding should consult with their healthcare provider to weigh the potential risks and benefits.

In some cases, alternative treatments may be recommended to manage high prolactin levels or lactation suppression.

Cabergoline in Treating Pituitary Adenomas

Pituitary adenomas are noncancerous tumours of the pituitary gland, often associated with abnormal prolactin production. Cabergoline is highly effective in reducing the size of these prolactin-secreting tumours. By lowering prolactin levels, Cabergoline not only helps alleviate symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and galactorrhea but also shrinks the tumour.

Long-term treatment with Cabergoline may even lead to complete remission in some cases, particularly for smaller adenomas.

Cabergoline and Fertility

For women with hyperprolactinemia-related infertility, Cabergoline can be a game-changer. Elevated prolactin levels often interfere with ovulation, leading to anovulation and making it difficult to conceive. By lowering prolactin levels, Cabergoline helps restore regular ovulatory cycles, improving the chances of pregnancy.

In men, elevated prolactin can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, reduced sperm production, and erectile dysfunction. Cabergoline therapy can help normalize testosterone levels, improving fertility outcomes for men.

Side Effects of Cabergoline

Like all medications, Cabergoline comes with potential side effects. While many people tolerate the drug well, some may experience mild to moderate adverse reactions. The most common side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue

Less commonly, some individuals may experience more severe side effects, such as:

  • Heart valve problems
  • Fibrosis (thickening of tissue)
  • Psychiatric effects like hallucinations or depression

Patients need to report any unusual symptoms to their healthcare provider while taking Cabergoline, particularly if they have a history of heart disease or mental health issues.

Drug Interactions with Cabergoline

Cabergoline may interact with other medications, including those that affect dopamine levels, such as antipsychotics or certain antidepressants. Patients should always inform their healthcare provider of all medications and supplements they are taking to avoid potential interactions.

Additionally, alcohol may increase the risk of side effects like dizziness or fainting when taking Cabergoline. Therefore, patients are advised to limit or avoid alcohol consumption while on the medication.

Buying Cabergoline Online from Buynetmeds

Buynetmeds is one of the many online pharmacies offering Cabergoline 0.5 mg. While purchasing medication online can be convenient, it is crucial to ensure that you are buying from a reputable source. Make sure to verify the authenticity of the pharmacy, check customer reviews, and consult with a healthcare provider before purchasing Cabergoline or any other prescription medication online.

In addition to its competitive pricing, Buynetmeds provides discreet shipping and ensures that all medications are sourced from verified manufacturers. However, it is always advisable to obtain a prescription before purchasing Cabergoline to ensure that the dosage is appropriate for your condition.


Cabergoline is an essential medication for managing conditions associated with elevated prolactin levels. Whether used to treat hyperprolactinemia, pituitary adenomas, or lactation suppression, Cabergoline has a proven track record of efficacy. However, like any medication, it comes with potential side effects and requires careful monitoring, particularly in individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine whether Cabergoline is the right choice for your treatment, and ensure that any medication purchased online is from a trustworthy source like Buynetmeds.
